Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ethos, Pathos, Logos videos


The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society

The Cost of an Illiterate Society 
(Discussion Questions) 

1.) What is the essay about? What is his subject? Who is his audience? What is 
his purpose? 

2.) Why does Kozol begin his chapter with the warning on a can of Drano? 
What is the effect of this? 

3.) Which example is the most memorable to you? Why? 

4.) Why do you think Kozol uses so many direct quotations from the illiterate 
people whose experiences he cites as examples? 

5.) What clues in Kozol’s language let his readers know that he’s sympathetic 
toward his subjects and angry at the conditions that cause the class of 
people his reader’s represent? 


Syllabi (corrected)

* Note that changes have been made to the course SLOs, Attendance Policy, and Calendar (from Week 5 through to Week 11).